Crisis Stabilization Program
Crisis stabilization provides short-term stabilization and assessment services to youth experiencing crisis, and in need of immediate placement. These children are typically involved in the child welfare system, have few natural supports and are without a place to live.
Crisis Stabilization care provides stabilization and assessment services to youth experiencing a crisis, and in need of immediate placement. These adolescents are typically involved in the child welfare system, have few natural supports, and are without a place to live. They may experience significant behavioral health challenges that are not being effectively addressed in other levels of care.
Crisis Stabilization care provides children who may have been through exceptionally challenging circumstances, with the treatment and support they need. Often with few natural supports, youth-guided therapy encourages and gives these adolescents the confidence to advocate for themselves to help determine treatment and placement plans. Our residential campuses in Matthews and Fayetteville, NC are well-equipped to provide residential care while the adolescent is stabilized, treatment plans assessed, and long-term placements are solidified.

Stabilization and Assessment
for Youth in Crisis
A new program to provide short term care to youth in crisis with no immediate placement, natural supports, or place to live.
- Male and female youth ages 10-17 years old.
- Short-term care – typically up to 45 days.
- Serves children from all over North Carolina.
- Youth guided therapy – giving youth a voice in their treatment.
- Primary clinical models utilized within the program is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Solution-Focused Therapy, and Person-Centered Therapy.
- CARE (Children and Residential Experiences) Model: developmentally focused, family involved, relationship-based, competence-centered, trauma-informed, and ecologically oriented.
- Access to robust services, such as Person-Centered Treatment Plans and linkage to appropriate long-term treatment.
Thompson Programs
Submit a Referral
For more information, call 704.644.4400, or email