Helping parents find their voice
Family Partners
Thompson’s Family Partners program is a completely unique form of peer support that helps provide coaching, guidance and compassion to parents who are experiencing challenging times and are involved in the Child Welfare system. In partnership with Mecklenburg Court Department of Social Services, Thompson employees Family Partners, who not only are passionate and talented professionals but also have had personal lived experienced in the child welfare system. Their ability to personally relate helps them form connections with parents who are currently navigating the Child Welfare system.
Family Partners provide support during CFTs and if needed, can provide ongoing supporting to these parents for up to a year. This program helps parents find their voice, navigate a challenging system, and take the steps necessary to keep their family whole. Referrals are submitted via parents YFS/DSS Case worker.
Program Overview
School-Based Case Management
The School-Based Case Management program focuses on helping families achieve housing, childcare and employment goals by providing the connection to the resources they need. This empowers families to increase self-sufficiency, promotes building healthy relationships, and helps all families build resilience.
The program focuses on three key priorities:

School-Based Case Management provides services for families with children who attend a school in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CMS) district.
The School- Based Case Management team member will partner with parents/guardians to identify unique goals and chart a path to reach these goals. Case Managers help parents/guardians become more knowledgeable of and help navigate local community resources.
Team members provide advocacy and support to identify needs and/or benefits, such as:
- Access to food/food stamps
- Assistance with job search/job security support
- Accessing after school programs/care for children
- Connecting to other Thompson services, prosocial activities, psych testing, and medical providers in the community
- McKinney-Vento referral to support students and their family experiencing homelessness
- Safety planning or behavior support planning
*FY22-23 Results