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Thompson CFF Charlotte NC Foster Care

Foster Care

Thompson CFF Charlotte NC Foster Care

There are currently around 11,000 children in foster care in North Carolina, with a record number more each day.

Thompson CFF Charlotte NC Foster Care

The national average age of kids entering foster care is 7.

Thompson CFF Charlotte NC Foster Care

Neglect is the #1 reason children are removed from their home. They don't need a lot, just your love.

Be a Positive Impact

Make a Difference

The number of children in NC Foster Care continues to rise. Thompson’s Foster Care program has expanded to become of of the largest providers in NC, but now more than ever we need more Foster Parents to help us. We’re here to let you know that you CAN become a foster parent, and we’ll support you as you make a difference TODAY.

Our Foster Care team identifies, trains, and continually supports dedicated, engaged families who can provide long-term and respite care for children re-entering community life. Our training introduces you to Thompson and provides guidance on the certification process. You can positively impact the lives of these children; please don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

Foster Care Locations

Communities We Serve

Why Become a
Foster Parent?

There are plenty of good reasons (check some of them out here) but here’s a few to get you started.

Children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect have lost so much trust. With every positive interaction they experience in a domestic setting, the closer they come to a healing place. Just by existing in a home that offers love and safety, you can play a part in the healing of a child that will go on to impact countless other lives.

A child removed from the home without family or guardianship often has nothing but a trash bag full of scattered belongings. In addition to losing all sense of consistency, they also lost a place to rest their head at night. Without a placement, children can end up sleeping in offices, cars, or anywhere else readily available. Children deserve a warm bed at night, even if it’s only for one night (yes, we have respite foster care options too!).

Often times people say they could never foster a child because they would become “too attached”. We prefer to think of it like this: you hope your own child will grow up to leave the house someday, perhaps to go to college or off to work. You have close friends who have moved cities for new jobs or spouses. You don’t love them any less. In fact, you’re proud to have done your job in supporting them when they were close to you, and now when they’re far. You already know how to love and let go, and what these children need is someone to help them get to a point where they too can let go.

*FY22-23 Results