Evidence-Based Model
Treats the Family
as a Whole
Family Centered Treatment (FCT) is a home-based treatment to stabilize youth & families who have experienced trauma and those experiencing complex mental health symptoms. The ultimate goal is to eliminate out-of-home placements and higher levels of care.
The family is empowered to set and achieve their own goals, with treatment intensity and duration customized to meet each unique family’s needs. FCT is a four-phase process that treats the family as a single unit – not as individuals. Learn more about the four phases on the tabs below.
FCT clinicians respond quickly to referrals; the very nature of a referral indicates that a family is in acute crisis and needs support quickly.
Timely response provides an opportunity for engaging the family when they are more likely to be highly motivated to examine and change behaviors.
Three unique Family Centered Evaluation© instruments are used by the family to identify needed additions, changes, or improvements in family functioning skills.
Goals determined during Joining & Assessment provide the structure for guiding the family to negotiate tasks associated with daily living that agree with the goals set.
Repetitive transactional patterns, which develop over time into “rules” of interacting, drive how the family handles the tasks associated with daily living.
FCT interventions target shifting the repetitive interaction patterns that make up the structure of the family.
A critical and distinct component of FCT is when the family learns to recognize and value their new behaviors.
In the phase of valuing changes, FCT clinicians help the family examine the value of their changed behaviors. Sustainable change occurs when behavioral changes are valued and seen as necessary by the family.
Once a family enters this phase, they are no longer overwhelmed by the crises. Instead, they are handling them with their new skills and reporting the outcomes to their clinician.
FCT works with the family to determine the timing of closure, using an analytical process that evaluates the changes and the family’s ability to use the strategies independently of external agencies.
*These outcomes reflect admission policies that accept 98% of all referrals. These referrals primarily consist of children and youth who have not responded to community-based services.
They are either returning from institutional care or identified as needing placement outside of their home.