Strengthening Communities One Story at a Time
In communities across the Carolinas and into Florida, Thompson delivers critical human services programs to at-risk children and their families. Crucial for building strong communities, these services help our most vulnerable neighbors break the cycle of poverty, neglect, and trauma. By helping adolescents rewrite their stories, we are building a brighter future for them, their families, and their communities.
Support, education and stability empower troubled children to reach their full potential and become happy, healthy, contributing members of society. Thompson’s services work to keep children in their family home, focused at school, and out of trouble.
Every child deserves a chance to succeed
Driven by a deep commitment to social justice and compassion for every child fighting to overcome the challenges of trauma, our work creates positive change and a lasting impact on the clients we serve.
To achieve our goal of helping children and families to thrive, Thompson:
- Provides comprehensive support and resources aimed at targeting the specific challenges that lead to vulnerability, including poverty, abuse, neglect, mental health issues, and trauma.
- Focuses on early intervention and early childhood development to break the cycle of adversity as soon as possible.
- Takes a holistic approach to child welfare by healing the families and communities that provide natural supports, now and into the future.
Our commitment to evidence-based practices
To make the most of our resources and maximize the impact of our work, Thompson engages evidence-based practices for all early childhood, family stability, and mental health programs.
Using evidence-based practices ensures that interventions are effective, safe, and efficient. These practices, grounded in research, produce positive outcomes for clients while optimizing resources.
Additional benefits of evidence-based practices include:
- Consistent, reliable standard of care
- Higher levels of trust and accountability between caregivers and clients
- Ability to innovate, improve, and adapt care to meet clients’ specific needs
Evidence-based approaches enhance the quality of human services programs to deliver the best possible support, and contribute to stronger, more resilient communities.
What’s next for Thompson?
Over the past few years, Thompson has undergone significant growth to expand our reach and better serve children, families, and communities. We originally began well over a century ago as an orphanage and are now a powerful catalyst for change.
To continue to fuel our vision and extend our services to even more children in need, Thompson has launched an extensive public awareness campaign to educate the public about the important work that we do and invite more members of our communities to be a part of it and join Team Thompson.
Make your impact – Changing Lives Changes Everything
Whether it’s your dollars, your time, your expertise, or your loving home, there are countless ways to support our mission. Get started by seeing how you can get involved today!