Thompson Launches Enhanced Residential Treatment Center
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina – Thompson Child & Family Focus (Thompson) recently launched its Enhanced Residential Treatment Center program that prioritizes family functioning and aftercare to prevent repeat stays for youth with significant behavioral health challenges.
The program targets adolescents ages 11 to 17 in need of residential care, often the most highly traumatized youth in our communities. Comprehensive psychological assessments, person-centered planning, and evidence-based therapeutic practices will be provided to youth in treatment for an average of 60-90 days. Enhancements in discharge planning will include High-Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) and Family Centered Treatment (FCT) services.
Alliance Health CEO Rob Robinson stated, “Our philosophy of maintaining deep and innovative relationships with our behavioral health providers resulted in the reimagining of residential clinical care. With Thompson providing High-Fidelity Wraparound and Family Centered Treatment to families as part of discharge, functioning families equals more stable youth in their communities. It’s a win-win.”
FCT is a home-based service which stabilizes youth and families who have experienced trauma coupled with complex mental health challenges. Elimination of out-of-home placements and higher levels of care is the primary FCT goal. Wrap is an evidence-based practice that helps empower youth and families develop the skills necessary to navigate systems like child welfare, juvenile justice, and school systems successfully. High Fidelity Wraparound is a team service to support caregiver and youth voice and choice in their needs and supports in the community.
Thompson successfully operated multiple long-term care residential programs for youth with significant behavioral health challenges for decades. The system of care has been missing a shorter stay program for youth whose caregivers are equipped with the skills needed to function well once the youth return to their home environment. Thompson’s Enhanced Residential Treatment team, alongside the HFW and FCT teams will partner with the youth’s family to ensure positive outcomes.
“Enhancements to residential care have been needed and more kids need to be served,” said Thompson President/CEO Will Jones. “Alliance Health consistently is willing to invest in innovative programs to meet needs for the most complex youth in our communities. Family involvement in their child’s life is a huge predictor of health and success. We look forward to living out our agency name by focusing on both the child and their family to ultimately see both thrive.”
Twelve beds will be available to Alliance Health members. The program operates within Thompson’s 62- acre Matthews, NC campus – a beautifully wooded therapeutic environment conducive for treatment.
About Thompson
Headquartered in Matthews, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County), Thompson Child & Family Focus is a human services leader transforming lives through early childhood, family stability, and mental health
services. As a solutions-driven organization committed to rewriting narratives for the most vulnerable in our community; Thompson achieves this by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services, and
trauma-informed care, for children (ages 0-18) and their families, virtually and in-person. Thompson is led by President/CEO Will Jones and employs over 360 staff in NC, SC, and FL. To read more about
Thompson’s continuum of services online, go to www.thompsoncff.org, or email news@thompsoncff.org.
About Alliance Health
Alliance Health is a managed health care company that has managed the cost, use and quality of public behavioral health care for its health plan members since 2013. The company serves people with
Medicaid or who are uninsured in Cumberland, Durham, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Orange and Wake counties in North Carolina. Effective April 1, 2023, Alliance will operate one of the state’s Behavioral
Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (BH I/DD) Tailored Plans, managing comprehensive integrated care, including behavioral health care (mental health and substance use disorders),
intellectual/developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury services, and attention to other needs that affect a person’s well-being, like safe housing and enough food. For its plan members with
Medicaid, it will also manage physical health care and pharmacy services. Learn more at AllianceTailoredPlan.org.