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Denny can now advocate for his family thanks to his Family Partner

Denny can now advocate for his family thanks to his Family Partner

Denny is trying to get his family life back on track. He and his wife had a home and loved caring for their three young children together. Unexpectedly, his wife’s medical condition worsened, requiring her to move into a care home and unable to help care for the children. Denny struggled to find programs for single fathers. No longer able to work, they lost their home. Denny’s days are full taking the children to visit their mother and trying to figure out where they will spend the night as help from extended family is sporadic.


Denny cared for the children the best way he knew how for five years. When he started to miss medical appointments for the youngest, DSS got involved. A referral to Thompson led to a Family Partner being assigned. Denny agreed to services and is thankful for the Family Partner’s support. The family received household essentials, school clothes, and a referral for food support. With the support and care of the Family Partner during Child and Family Team meetings and court hearings, Denny can now advocate for his family.


‘After struggling and feeling alone, we are so thankful for the support from our Family Partner.’ ~ Denny