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Family Centered Treatment helped reunite Louisa and her parents

Family Centered Treatment helped reunite Louisa and her parents

Louisa loves video games and music as they are a distraction and help her relax. Louisa was adopted after being in foster care due to homelessness, neglect, and exposure to substances. Shortly after the adoption, Louisa’s parents had a baby. Louisa struggles with expressing her emotions appropriately, and can escalate into aggressive behaviors. Louisa’s parents also lacked the skills to respond appropriately and struggled with their attempts to redirect/stop her behavior.


After a particularly bad incident, Louisa was placed in foster care again, as her parents seriously considered relinquishing their rights. To avoid this, they were referred for Family Centered Treatment (FCT). Throughout FCT, the family learned appropriate ways to address and support Louisa. The family now tries to be mindful of each other’s triggers and past trauma experiences. They have been able to implement the skills learned during sessions, and are now reunited. They are thriving and able to successfully navigate several difficult situations that previously would have resulted in fights.


‘We are so grateful for FCT because it has helped our family come back together stronger and better than ever.’ ~ Louisa’s parents