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Michael recognizes the value of parenting classes

Michael recognizes the value of parenting classes

Michael is the father of three school-aged children. He wants his children to do better in school than he did to give them the best start in life. He and his partner were referred to our Incredible Years School Age class by Youth and Family Services, to assist with appropriate discipline strategies for their three children. in the beginning Michael and his partner were resistant, didn’t believe the techniques could work, and did not participate as often. As the class continued, they became more active and volunteered to participate in activities.


After a hesitant start, Michael and his partner began to realize that the techniques do work, as they were seeing positive results in the children’s behaviors. They quickly saw the power of using praise and limit setting on gaining positive behavior from their children. Having multiple kids helped with the momentum of change too. When one saw a sibling receive positive praise – they would seek the same compliment – giving Michael the opportunity to explain what to do to receive it. Michael happily shares his successes with the other fathers in class.


‘It is a good class. I underestimated the value of positive discipline – it is better to use praise instead of harsh discipline.” Michael