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Tashina embraces Family Education classes

Tashina embraces Family Education classes

Tashina loves her children and is working to give them a better future. Her children are currently in foster care, after being removed from the home due to domestic violence. Tashina has since left this abusive relationship, and is healing and striving to get her children back. She recently moved to Florida for a fresh start, and has found full-time employment. She has been travelling back to North Carolina every other weekend for in-person visitation with her children.


Youth & Family Services recommended Tashina attend the Incredible Years® School Age parenting classes provided by our Family Education team. Although reluctant to start with, Tashina has embraced the class and looks forward to Wednesdays each week to learn more. Tashina has even requested Outpatient Therapy Service to complete her healing journey. Based on her progress she is expecting to be awarded custody of her children again in December.